Saturday, 1 May 2010

Engineering Is Future-Thinking!

Each time I think about time to come, I think about Engineering! The Internet Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering, Microelectronics Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Telecommunication engineering, Networking Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum/Gas Engineering, Thermofluid Engineering, pharmaceutical Engineering, Bioengineering, Medical engineering, Civil engineering, Earth/Environmental Engineering, Minerals Engineering, Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Law and Diplomacy, Jurisprudence and International Law, international Politics and security studies, commercial and Industrial law of Engineering, Transnational Social issues and Social Engineering, Strategic Leadership and management, Financial Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, Industrial Engineering, reliability Engineering, Knowledge Engineering, Construction Engineering, Quality Engineering and even Creativity Engineering to translate strategy into real achievement.

You must be creative and constructive to engineer quality changes that is making up for lost time at breath-taking and revitalizing pace to shape the past and create time to come in this day and age or be left out of high-tech cream of the crop that is leading procession of novelty in this rapidly changing system that drives the progress of humanity.

Creativity is not an extraordinary act but your ability to connect your potentiality and reality! Acquaintance with facts is potent asset in maximizing your potential and every potential is within the realm of possibility.

Think Future! Engineer quality changes and lead the way in view of the fact that in a time of building the foundation of new technologies, it is only professionals who can put two and two together to hit upon solutions that will create innovations.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

This Article was culled from Anyaele Sam Chiyson`s Soon-To-Be-Released Book: Champion of The Centuries

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

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