Saturday, 1 May 2010

Wealthy Pound Sign Theory Of Anyaele Sam Chiyson - The Wealth Theory You Need To Live Above Recession

To many, recession is a period of lowered economic activity and extensive unemployment; a slump of economic growth, paralysis of social development and political advancement.

To others, it is time to look and live beyond the lying vanities of the totality of physical entities by calling booming theories of the system that drives the progress humanity into being.

One of these booming theories is ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON 'S WEALTHY POUND-SIGN THEORY.

Wealth is a large amount of riches, possessions, etc that an individual or a state owns. Being wealthy is a life worth-living! It is having goods, property, and money in great quantity; it enables you live a long and healthy life - living a healthy, happy and totally fulfilled life.

It is so much fun to be well-to-do and being joy to every aspect of your life! You can only bring this standard of living to a happy issue only if you see through how to. The new wealth theory that is empowering you acquire massive wealth, achieve what many would regard impossible and fulfill your purpose for living is ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON 'S WEALTHY POUND-SIGN THEORY. This wealthy pound-sign theory is represented with a diamond pound-sign! It has four main connections and eight legs; each meaning a lot to the powerful process of universal wealthy thoughts and dreams. ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON 'S WEALTHY POUND-SIGN THEORY shows that all wealth is created in the mind.

The names of the four main connections of ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON 'S WEALTHY POUND-SIGN THEORY are BEAT frequency, HAMMER frequency, IMPRESS frequency and BLOW frequency. The diagram below shows the representation of ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON 'S WEALTHY POUND-SIGN THEORY.

The first connection transmits the BEAT frequency into your rational, logical mind through the magnetic power within you. This frequency transmits your thoughts to your emotional, feeling mind to be full of your dream of self-fulfillment and magnetically attract every inspiration that enables you talk your way through to your thriving top, set your spirit in order and put it in tune with the divine mind through your spiritual mind to have all that has been given to you by God.

The second connection gets your human transmission tower move active by transmitting the HAMMER frequency into your rational, logical mind to deal with doubt in your brain-work and be full of brainpower. This frequency transmits your thoughts to your emotional, feeling mind to see the change you need as capable of being realized by inducing faith in yourself through your dreams of self-fulfillment to strike every negativity that come on your way to living a healthy, happy and totally fulfilled life and, shape them into a positive path to greatness through the source of all insight, idea and internal incentive.

The third connection gets you loaded to effect striking results by transmitting the IMPRESS frequency into your rational, logical mind to move on with your accepted wisdom and make your impression more visible. This frequency transmits your thoughts to your emotional, feeling mind; giving you ability to fix your abundance of possessions in your mind and always drive home to it by having a mode of behaving fixed by constant repetition of making yourself master of wealth-building principles that empower you make your mark through your unlimited access to all understanding and facts in existence.

The fourth connection makes you the most potent transmission tower in the system that drives the progress of humanity by transmitting the BLOW frequency into your rational, logical mind to maximize your meditations and have a conception that enable you gain your end. This frequency transmits your thoughts from the world of effect to the world of cause; giving you complete and total access to all ideas, feelings and information stored in your emotional, feeling mind.

It empower you to use your dreams of self-fulfillment as a forceful sharp stroke that opens the doors of bigger success for you to be financially, emotionally and spiritually richer and move to your highest achievements in life. It also empower you to respond to clear authoritative commands by releasing ideas and energy to bring your state of being sound in body and mind, state of well-being, modes of relating and abundance of possessions to a happy issue - fulfilling your purpose for living and giving lives a new meaning.

The eight legs in above theory will not just make you honorable but also fill you with what it takes to:

1. Fire your heart's desire to take effect.
2. Set targets on which you come to a focus with the power of your heart's desire.
3. Have step-by-step course of action that takes you to your sophisticated and abundance of possessions.
4. Get a revelation of God's will in the situation and greater grace in a spirit of harmony for the attainment of your wealth goals.
5. Move on to bring your wealth goals to a happy issue.
6. Work smart! Build a solid foundation for a business in order to build a great investment for your future.
7. Do what you love and what you ought to do.
8. Feel good about yourself! Buy your own business and own your business; doing all things right by yourself and getting to the top of the wealth ladder.

The movement of actions in this theory is in clockwise direction; this signifies LEGITIMATE WEALTH.

Improve your life and live the life you want for yourself and make the world a better place with ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON`S WEALTHY POUND-SIGN THEORY.


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