Tuesday, 8 June 2010

11 Laws of Money Your Professors Did Not Teach You at Harvard and Princeton

The principium of making money work for you is making it a mancipium! Put money in something to get something more in return; apply your earnings and apply leverage to build wealth.

You should not be loosing money in the financial and investing world. Apply management by objective, spend less out of your pocket and make more in return from the money you put into investment. You must be able to have more return on your investment and have more money working for you so that you will have more time available to do other things and make much more money. Direct your leverage rightly and well.

You do not pinch pennies to have pretty penny! Penny-pinching mentality is a negative amount; work smart in this day and age by focusing on creating more money to live positively and prosperous in time to come.

Be motivated in life! Be of age in your finances and come of age in your investments. Maximize your dunamis (might) and hikanotes (competence); make favourable influence out of favourable occasions, do the right job and make money from it. When you earn the money, invest ten percent of your earning every four weeks so that you can have more than increase in your investments every year to go beyond yearning for the good life but being comfortably situated in life.

It is maturity to put your ability to work and pay your bills expended to secure a benefit or bring about a result. Do not make ducks and drakes of money, be one who dissipates his or her resources foolishly and wastefully no more, maximize your pin money and do not consume money in expenditure for things not absolutely necessary. Keep records and account for what you are doing; you must keep track of money and always have at your fingertips how you lay out and hand out your money. Put a course of sprouts on your fixed operating cost, variable operating expense and budgeted outlay with a financial plan.

There is nothing wrong with having money figment of the imagination; it is an indication of your money-manifestation. You must have a mindset that pay its own way in view of the fact that what you see is what you have. You must see money in what you think, what you are and, in the source of all resourcefulness and trust. Your conscious mind must generate and build up the process of exhibiting the special privilege to see in your mind's eye your worthwhile lifestyle, your subconscious mind must act in response to autosuggestion towards moneymaking and your superconscious mind must have unrestrained access to all intuition and information existing for the purpose of ever-increasing your passive income. Make as much money as you could do with and put your funds to work for you.

Define your fruitful goals so that it provides you with favourable occasions that are out of this world to build your sense of satisfactoriness and reliance on your supremacy, and have favourable influence. Make yourself master of all you need to take actions toward the accomplishment of creating a lifestyle you want for yourself. Come of age and step forward toward the vision of making progress in prosperity you have for yourself. Put your mental power to work and bring your profitable goals to a happy issue; seek and increase measures that have worth of being safe in your investments and build financial system of force you need to crown your life with success.

You do not owe money; you own your own home! You must have an attainment which shows that you are of age and have what it takes to work for riches that is making your old age golden; have motive and motivate yourself towards enhancing your potent asset and increasing your value on the open market of just regard.

Gold is not for a goldbrick! Golden-age is golden for a golden-ager who got wise to a gold-mine at the may of life. Be good as gold and develop the power of controlling your actions, impulses or subjective responses in getting your longing for an instantaneous satisfaction that is highly acceptable to the five senses better. Do not sit on a goldmine, strike the gold! Set aside a portion of your income and set your course for wealth-building. Use a portion of your wealth to supply your young hopefuls what they need with a store of capital. Provide for your children's future, your old age, your state of well-being, your state of being sound in mind and, aegis of your own flesh and blood.

Money is a component that forms part of the minimal body, character or structure of the good life. Believe it or leave it, it is part of your life; you need it to do superexcellent, superincumbent and superabundant things. You must allow money to come forth abundantly to you in all instances; put it into service for the purpose you want and have the life of ease. Cash is the right of casting the die, taking the first place in your world, holding the reins, or exercising your right without intimidation but availing yourself of your ability and adequacy to call into being the lifestyle you wants for yourself. Have an entrepreneurial mindset and propagate your own prerogatives. Increase your acquaintance with facts and skills; also increase your preferences and earning power.

The quality and quantity of products or services you provide to the general public is very important when it comes to making money and building wealth. If you can serve more people with your products or quality services, you will definitely make more money through out your life and even beyond the depth of your living. Have a lifestyle that is marked by a gracious and entrepreneurial spirit; direct your money and time rightly either with the services you provide, the products your businesses provide or the time you have to devote to other people.

Copyright by Anyaele Sam Chiyson

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one!

His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.


Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anyaele_Sam_Chiyson

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