It is very awesome and blissful to wear a crown if you deserve it because Success is a ladder, which cannot be climbed with hands in your pocket. Life is like riding a bicycle; you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, you can get loaded and cause many to achieve success and give lives new meaning. It all starts with desire, determination and ability to continue inspite of difficulties and turning a stumbling block to a stepping-stone.
Good resolutions are like babies crying in church; they should be carried out immediately. It is only the early risers who succeed in filling their baskets with white ants. The sun will surely shine on those who are standing before it shines on those who are sitting. Making it to the top and leading people to greater height of success is the hallmark of success. It has a prerequisite of imprinting your foot prints that others might follow and writing your name on a glass with a golden pen because the sayings of the wise are like the sharp sticks that shepherds use to guide sheep.
Dream is the visual picture of that which God has called us to accomplish. It is the passion that provokes productivity and activates our faith. It could also be defined as the overwhelming desire that fills our soul with sweet images and motivates our flesh to pursuit what we desire. Our pursuits receive empowerment and we make sustentative fulfilling decisions that is filled with passion and conviction. It could be achieve by being busy on the high streets, board rooms, courts, laboratories, hospitals, factories, malls and other enabling fields, creating jobs and wealth, enjoying the fruits of your labour and creating output that will move the economy in different capacities. Stand tall and proud, inspiring a generation to aim beyond the sky. In a time like this, when knowledge are increasing and many running tro and fro, it is only birds with long beaks that can drink from deep pots. Don't just be like other birds but be like the eagle because it's only the eagle that can give an account of the whisper of the cloud. Success could also be started as the duplication of dreams, release of mantle and exchange of grace from one man to the other, but its birthed often at the bed of interaction a mutual relationship.
If you think you are too small to be noticed, go and sleep in a room, which is full of mosquitoes. You are as secure as your knowledge! There is a process that will never be complete without you. Achieve what is unachievable in your spheres. You must be noticed! Your gift must make way for you, bring you before Great men and make the dream of a better quality for all people a reality. The best preparation for tomorrow is to make sure today's work is superbly done. Being successful requires being honest, sincere and sound moral principle. Using good judgment, be accountable for your actions, work and keep friends of different cultures, creeds or religions through mutual trust and caring. It requires to plan, arrange and keep things in an orderly manner, work to the best of your ability, work hard and cheerfully at all you do, do things because it need to be done, maintain the right attitude, be flexible, continue inspite of difficulties, seek solution to different problems, feel concern for others and demonstrate care. Happiness is not perfected until it is shared. Wear a smile! To those in darkest night, go be a kindly friend, pour love and sunshine on their cares and broken lives you will mend.
All around are needs to meet. Be God's heart and hands and feet. Show little kindness, friend; it is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear; be curious, meet and find out how people from different parts of the world act and think and understand them. You can brighten - up the world today! Make good impacts, let someone live because of you, make life worth living and make the world a better place for you, me, the entire human beings and other species in our habitation. You can't afford to fail because millions of people are depending on you to succeed. Know and get this into your mind and understand it with your heart; you ought to make it happen!
No matter how far you're from your home, you'll keep going until you get home. No matter how long it takes, a stammering child will say his father's name but if you kill time, you'll bury opportunities. No matter what it cause you to keep your inspiration, spend it; an empty sack cannot stand; stand out! You can be successful today! Start with re-orientation, start with the passion. Be the engine and power of the nation. You already posses everything you need to accomplish your present assignment, be diligent to raise every inch of what you presently poses to its highest level of excellence. Do all you can to make a godly impact, go beyond anything you've ever dreamed before. Your name must be heard! A pleasant personality, courteous social greases and knowledge / information are define asset. The more equitable your assets, the happier you are, have healthy relationships, be focus and learn to let go so that you can fly so high. Be a total man/total woman! Knowledge is an asset and a define legal tender.
Always think positive, because we're shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think and when the mind is pure, joy, which is a lubricant of the mind and therefore of nerves, muscles and heart follows like a shadow that never leaves. The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited, make up your mind to be GREAT, build an enhanced inner nature, magnify yourself, multiply the ways in which you exists, make your life full, significant, interesting and build an unassailable reputation. Never stop learning! Read books, they are true leaves the most remarkable creation of man, the voices of the distant and the dead which makes us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. They are as young and fresh as the day, they were written and give to all who will faithfully use them. Wear all that weight of learning like a flower and be of use in the world, it is the only way to happiness. Be the best of fire, develop your personality, social skills and inner qualities. Know the right thing to do at the right time. Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the REALLY GREAT PEOPLE make you feel that you too can become GREAT. You can rise beyond whatever you've thought of.
Be bold for everyone admire the bold, look smart and good, have insight, be spunky and professional. It impress deeply. Have marketable assets, be a success because it's only successful ones in our society that are distinguished and celebrated. Always be yourself, have social graces! Never allow your name to be wiped out of history, those your elixir - oriented potentials must be utilized, take charge! You've stayed too long without it; fetch it, do not waiver in your pursuit, make waves, increase and multiply. Have an extra ordinary determination, do what you are born to do, do good and do well at the same time, produce results, make great and awesome impacts, change lives for better and give them course to live a blissful life!
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one!
His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.
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