Monday, 14 June 2010


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Tuesday, 8 June 2010

How to Discover Yourself and Become a Discovery Channel For the Entire Race

It is very awesome and blissful to wear a crown if you deserve it because Success is a ladder, which cannot be climbed with hands in your pocket. Life is like riding a bicycle; you don't fall off unless you stop pedaling. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, you can get loaded and cause many to achieve success and give lives new meaning. It all starts with desire, determination and ability to continue inspite of difficulties and turning a stumbling block to a stepping-stone.

Good resolutions are like babies crying in church; they should be carried out immediately. It is only the early risers who succeed in filling their baskets with white ants. The sun will surely shine on those who are standing before it shines on those who are sitting. Making it to the top and leading people to greater height of success is the hallmark of success. It has a prerequisite of imprinting your foot prints that others might follow and writing your name on a glass with a golden pen because the sayings of the wise are like the sharp sticks that shepherds use to guide sheep.

Dream is the visual picture of that which God has called us to accomplish. It is the passion that provokes productivity and activates our faith. It could also be defined as the overwhelming desire that fills our soul with sweet images and motivates our flesh to pursuit what we desire. Our pursuits receive empowerment and we make sustentative fulfilling decisions that is filled with passion and conviction. It could be achieve by being busy on the high streets, board rooms, courts, laboratories, hospitals, factories, malls and other enabling fields, creating jobs and wealth, enjoying the fruits of your labour and creating output that will move the economy in different capacities. Stand tall and proud, inspiring a generation to aim beyond the sky. In a time like this, when knowledge are increasing and many running tro and fro, it is only birds with long beaks that can drink from deep pots. Don't just be like other birds but be like the eagle because it's only the eagle that can give an account of the whisper of the cloud. Success could also be started as the duplication of dreams, release of mantle and exchange of grace from one man to the other, but its birthed often at the bed of interaction a mutual relationship.

If you think you are too small to be noticed, go and sleep in a room, which is full of mosquitoes. You are as secure as your knowledge! There is a process that will never be complete without you. Achieve what is unachievable in your spheres. You must be noticed! Your gift must make way for you, bring you before Great men and make the dream of a better quality for all people a reality. The best preparation for tomorrow is to make sure today's work is superbly done. Being successful requires being honest, sincere and sound moral principle. Using good judgment, be accountable for your actions, work and keep friends of different cultures, creeds or religions through mutual trust and caring. It requires to plan, arrange and keep things in an orderly manner, work to the best of your ability, work hard and cheerfully at all you do, do things because it need to be done, maintain the right attitude, be flexible, continue inspite of difficulties, seek solution to different problems, feel concern for others and demonstrate care. Happiness is not perfected until it is shared. Wear a smile! To those in darkest night, go be a kindly friend, pour love and sunshine on their cares and broken lives you will mend.

All around are needs to meet. Be God's heart and hands and feet. Show little kindness, friend; it is a language which the blind can see and the deaf can hear; be curious, meet and find out how people from different parts of the world act and think and understand them. You can brighten - up the world today! Make good impacts, let someone live because of you, make life worth living and make the world a better place for you, me, the entire human beings and other species in our habitation. You can't afford to fail because millions of people are depending on you to succeed. Know and get this into your mind and understand it with your heart; you ought to make it happen!

No matter how far you're from your home, you'll keep going until you get home. No matter how long it takes, a stammering child will say his father's name but if you kill time, you'll bury opportunities. No matter what it cause you to keep your inspiration, spend it; an empty sack cannot stand; stand out! You can be successful today! Start with re-orientation, start with the passion. Be the engine and power of the nation. You already posses everything you need to accomplish your present assignment, be diligent to raise every inch of what you presently poses to its highest level of excellence. Do all you can to make a godly impact, go beyond anything you've ever dreamed before. Your name must be heard! A pleasant personality, courteous social greases and knowledge / information are define asset. The more equitable your assets, the happier you are, have healthy relationships, be focus and learn to let go so that you can fly so high. Be a total man/total woman! Knowledge is an asset and a define legal tender.

Always think positive, because we're shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think and when the mind is pure, joy, which is a lubricant of the mind and therefore of nerves, muscles and heart follows like a shadow that never leaves. The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited, make up your mind to be GREAT, build an enhanced inner nature, magnify yourself, multiply the ways in which you exists, make your life full, significant, interesting and build an unassailable reputation. Never stop learning! Read books, they are true leaves the most remarkable creation of man, the voices of the distant and the dead which makes us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. They are as young and fresh as the day, they were written and give to all who will faithfully use them. Wear all that weight of learning like a flower and be of use in the world, it is the only way to happiness. Be the best of fire, develop your personality, social skills and inner qualities. Know the right thing to do at the right time. Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the REALLY GREAT PEOPLE make you feel that you too can become GREAT. You can rise beyond whatever you've thought of.

Be bold for everyone admire the bold, look smart and good, have insight, be spunky and professional. It impress deeply. Have marketable assets, be a success because it's only successful ones in our society that are distinguished and celebrated. Always be yourself, have social graces! Never allow your name to be wiped out of history, those your elixir - oriented potentials must be utilized, take charge! You've stayed too long without it; fetch it, do not waiver in your pursuit, make waves, increase and multiply. Have an extra ordinary determination, do what you are born to do, do good and do well at the same time, produce results, make great and awesome impacts, change lives for better and give them course to live a blissful life!

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one!

His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Article Source:

11 Laws of Money Your Professors Did Not Teach You at Harvard and Princeton

The principium of making money work for you is making it a mancipium! Put money in something to get something more in return; apply your earnings and apply leverage to build wealth.

You should not be loosing money in the financial and investing world. Apply management by objective, spend less out of your pocket and make more in return from the money you put into investment. You must be able to have more return on your investment and have more money working for you so that you will have more time available to do other things and make much more money. Direct your leverage rightly and well.

You do not pinch pennies to have pretty penny! Penny-pinching mentality is a negative amount; work smart in this day and age by focusing on creating more money to live positively and prosperous in time to come.

Be motivated in life! Be of age in your finances and come of age in your investments. Maximize your dunamis (might) and hikanotes (competence); make favourable influence out of favourable occasions, do the right job and make money from it. When you earn the money, invest ten percent of your earning every four weeks so that you can have more than increase in your investments every year to go beyond yearning for the good life but being comfortably situated in life.

It is maturity to put your ability to work and pay your bills expended to secure a benefit or bring about a result. Do not make ducks and drakes of money, be one who dissipates his or her resources foolishly and wastefully no more, maximize your pin money and do not consume money in expenditure for things not absolutely necessary. Keep records and account for what you are doing; you must keep track of money and always have at your fingertips how you lay out and hand out your money. Put a course of sprouts on your fixed operating cost, variable operating expense and budgeted outlay with a financial plan.

There is nothing wrong with having money figment of the imagination; it is an indication of your money-manifestation. You must have a mindset that pay its own way in view of the fact that what you see is what you have. You must see money in what you think, what you are and, in the source of all resourcefulness and trust. Your conscious mind must generate and build up the process of exhibiting the special privilege to see in your mind's eye your worthwhile lifestyle, your subconscious mind must act in response to autosuggestion towards moneymaking and your superconscious mind must have unrestrained access to all intuition and information existing for the purpose of ever-increasing your passive income. Make as much money as you could do with and put your funds to work for you.

Define your fruitful goals so that it provides you with favourable occasions that are out of this world to build your sense of satisfactoriness and reliance on your supremacy, and have favourable influence. Make yourself master of all you need to take actions toward the accomplishment of creating a lifestyle you want for yourself. Come of age and step forward toward the vision of making progress in prosperity you have for yourself. Put your mental power to work and bring your profitable goals to a happy issue; seek and increase measures that have worth of being safe in your investments and build financial system of force you need to crown your life with success.

You do not owe money; you own your own home! You must have an attainment which shows that you are of age and have what it takes to work for riches that is making your old age golden; have motive and motivate yourself towards enhancing your potent asset and increasing your value on the open market of just regard.

Gold is not for a goldbrick! Golden-age is golden for a golden-ager who got wise to a gold-mine at the may of life. Be good as gold and develop the power of controlling your actions, impulses or subjective responses in getting your longing for an instantaneous satisfaction that is highly acceptable to the five senses better. Do not sit on a goldmine, strike the gold! Set aside a portion of your income and set your course for wealth-building. Use a portion of your wealth to supply your young hopefuls what they need with a store of capital. Provide for your children's future, your old age, your state of well-being, your state of being sound in mind and, aegis of your own flesh and blood.

Money is a component that forms part of the minimal body, character or structure of the good life. Believe it or leave it, it is part of your life; you need it to do superexcellent, superincumbent and superabundant things. You must allow money to come forth abundantly to you in all instances; put it into service for the purpose you want and have the life of ease. Cash is the right of casting the die, taking the first place in your world, holding the reins, or exercising your right without intimidation but availing yourself of your ability and adequacy to call into being the lifestyle you wants for yourself. Have an entrepreneurial mindset and propagate your own prerogatives. Increase your acquaintance with facts and skills; also increase your preferences and earning power.

The quality and quantity of products or services you provide to the general public is very important when it comes to making money and building wealth. If you can serve more people with your products or quality services, you will definitely make more money through out your life and even beyond the depth of your living. Have a lifestyle that is marked by a gracious and entrepreneurial spirit; direct your money and time rightly either with the services you provide, the products your businesses provide or the time you have to devote to other people.

Copyright by Anyaele Sam Chiyson

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one!

His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Higher Life of Abundance and Prosperity

O higher ground

I crave the higher ground!

O the world of the wild

I hold the tide!

O the guide

in the slide!

O higher ground

I crave the higher ground.

Whence cometh thou?

Where goes thou?

What thinnest thou?

Penny for your thought

make pretty penny,

sit pretty at full tilt

as you attain a higher life.

See the vitality

see the connectivity

see the creativity;

see the potentiality,

see the actuality.

In your vivacity

enhance your relevantivity.

In your originality,

increase your practicality.

In your ingenuity

enrich your reality.

The biggest industry

has not been built,

work like a charm

and strike the gold.

The finest architecture

is still in the mind,

put your design in black and white.

The greatest business deal

has not been done,

green your deal

and make it a done deal.

The tallest building in the world

is still a dream,

cream your dream and be over the top.

The strongest product

has not being packaged and retailed;

add lilac to your stars,

move heaven and earth.

The richest investments

that frightens one out of one`s wits is still in

the wit,paint your Midas touch white and pull


The latest invention

is not the final of the innovations,

put on black as faculty and be on top of the


The wealthiest man in the world

has not being crowned;

be in the pink and in flying colors.

Search your dignity!

Increase your assets!

What is your form?

What is your void?

Fill in the black void

be in the black

and put the void

in black and white.

Be white and white

let your riches be pure white in color

full of every color you could do with

as you become champion of centuries.

Hit the mark,

hit the big-time;

be a high-flier

as you move mountains.

Make good the pretty penny,

make the world better,

make a name for yourself;

make great strides as you make the grade.

Go with a swing,

be in full swing!

Be over the moon,

you are out of the world.

Your sapience

is brilliance defined,

your excellence

is abundance perfected.

Your status symbol

is second sight full of sixth sense.

As you sit pretty,

your pretty penny rule the world.

You have the title role

you have the title deed

you are the title holder.

Your word works,

put your faith to work.

See favorable occasion,

have favorable influence.

Refuse to shift grounds

as you refuse to hold back the word.

See the bigger you,

see the greater you;

see the greater light,

and enjoy the latter rain,

as you live the higher life.

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Article Source:

The Color of My Dream

Find Your Color,

Find Your Essence.

Who Are You?

Who Do You Think You Are Not?

Now I Am Red!

I Am Black For White!

I Am Gold For Purple!

I Am Orange For Yellow!

I Am Brown For Green!

Now I Am Light Blue For Dark Blue,

All The While For Colors I Code.

Red For Vitality,

Red Craves My Ability;

White Through Your Perfection,

Black Is Your Power.

Gold Of Your Wisdom

Is Gold For Your Wealth!

Purple Is My Dignity

As I Authorize My Acumen

And The Creativity In My Orange.

I Give Life Practicality;

In Yellow I Communicate

As My Brown Has Modesty.

I Cherish The Green Of My Growth,

The Growth Of Productivity!

In Light Blue,My Dreams I Cream And

Prove As Higher Ground On Which

I Lift My Dreams Realized.

In Dark Blue I Cruise Vitality In Ability,

In Perfection Of Power,

The Wisdom Of My Wealth Is

The Dignity Of My Authority

Which I Create And Communicate

Even As Modesty Has Honesty.

With Vitality I Search As Purity,

I Create In Vitality

My Strength On Eagle`S Wings Excel.

Strengthened In Purity,

I Search Through With Vitality

Through The Vitality The Sky Has Creativity.

The Perfection I Build In Exceptions,

Excels My Perfection!

I Groom As Creation

Progress The Sage Of The Stage

That Is The Sagacity Of Sage

That Rules The Stage Of Perfection,

In View Of The Grace Of Perfection

Address The Mistakes In Perfection

As I Write The Script Of Success

On The Stage Of Success And Perfection.

The Wisdom Of My Wealth,

The Insight Of My Brain,

The Pride I Ride My Authority

Dignifies My Personality.

I Have An Authority

That Has The Dignity

And Let My Institute

Produce My Prestitute.

My Creation Has Inception That Preception

Alone Has Progression In Anticipation!

I Yield My Creation,

I Create The Vitality That Perfections

Alone In Dignity,Has Inventions Of My Creation.

The Practical Nature Of The Tactical Creature

All Invent The Artifact's Venture

As Nature Does To Creature With Practice!

In Mother Nature I Venture With The Creature

To Reveal The Inventor Of Practice In All Nature.

Through Communication

My Yellow I Scream,

I Cream My Dream,

I Knead My Realm,

My Dream I Scream,

My Realm I Trim,

I Communicate As

I Participate.

I Have The Modesty

That Informs My Honesty

Through My Simplicity.

I Have The Love-Ability

As My Incredibility

Bequeaths My Invisibility

Because Of My Modesty,

My Honesty Is The Simplicity

Of My Individuality.

My Growth In Productivity

Is The Height Of Divisibility.

The Weight Of My Vision Entity,

The Stage Of My Authenticity;

I Produce The Entity,

I Device The Authenticity.

Who But Me In Capability

Has At All The Influence-Ability?

That Dream Realized

Is That Realm Internalized.

The Cream Actualized

Has The Aim Immortalized.

My Immortality Is

My Divine Ability

For In My Simplicity

I Have A Love-Ability.

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Article Source:

7 Laws of Executive Intelligence For a Leader Who Lead in the Wisdom Age

In The Wisdom Age, leadership has gone beyond the depth of having ability to find solutions which are hard to describe and instinctive knowledge concerning what is really going on behind the scenes humanly speaking. A leader must have what it takes to combine the qualities above with define purpose and proven principles that are as old as leadership. A leader must have a form of intelligence - meaningful, acceptable, productive set of thoughtful inspiration, determination, enthusiasm, ability and skills applied in the leadership world.

Here are 7 laws of executive intelligence you need as a leader to lead with effectiveness in the wisdom age.

Law #1

There is no executive without execution; every Leader must lead with effectiveness. In fact, a leader's perspective must be superlative and attractive; his or her prerogative must meet imperatives of proletariat and elite he or she is leading positively, and distinctive excellence must be seen in his or her exclusive rights. There is an attraction in effective execution which makes an executive attractive and exclusive at perfecting leadership.

Law #2

A leader must exercise and exhibit his or her excellence intelligently and exceptionally for the third-estate and upper-class he or she is leading to experience the extra-ordinary in leadership. Leadership is in truly executive because a leader's intelligence must be nothing if not executive.

Law #3

A leader should acquire ways of exhibiting his or her power to put on his or her thinking cap in a way that shows good skills. A leader should also be consistent to the power of the mind by which a leader attains acquaintance with facts with respect to heterogeneous facet of human and humanoid exertions consisting of goodly but indeterminate number which are of great value and have a go at getting the hang and drift of facet of an organized agglomerate of human being who are responsible for gracious and generous system of leadership consisting of a goodly but indeterminate number which are of great value.

Law #4

A leader must act boldly and as if it is out of the question to fail. A leader must set goals, make course of actions, organize systems that has rights of preceding another good choice. It is in a leader's best interest to keep a state of decisive mind and maintain a determined attitude of the good life, and fulfill the purpose of leadership.

Law #5

Development is nothing to it where there is desire and determination; a leader who gets acquaintance with actuality acts rightly. Have mindset of enough and abundance, have enough on the ball and develop people to effect striking results.

Law #6

Strategic, sustainable and superior performance is name of the game that brings productivity to a happy issue and enable leaders have exclusive rights and distinctive excellence in this life. It is good to be great; achieving results and building capacity is as easy as developing leadership.

Law #7

It is not combination of intrinsic and idiosyncratic proficiency that enable leaders build complete certainty and certitude in the general public but having what it takes to make good intelligent choices and reach good intelligent conclusions.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson.

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage.

And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Article Source:

Becoming a Great Leader in the Wisdom Age

Tip #1

Favorable occasion starts with aptitude! A leader with balanced aptitude and attitude is a leader who makes life favorable for the general public.

Tip #2

A demagogue does not make the best out of dialogue. A leader who do not want to miss a trick at a world press conference should be all ears to the Word and give bad press a miss.

Tip #3

In the word go, there is a beginning; readers who get to work are leaders who see-through the alpha and genesis in the Word.

Tip #4

To choose an act of falling from a higher to a lower level with respect to character is to be of little or less importance. A Leader, who sees the ruination in dilapidation, understands the regression in retrogression; leaders live life of progression, maturation and exultation.

Tip #5

Leaders who tell idle tales should get the hang and the drift of what it means to tell tales out of school. Leaders who spill the beans should see-through, that they dish the dirt.

Tip #6

Spending our valuable time as leaders ruminating, muttering or talking about the challenges of past years is not worth-doing. It is more than a match for to overcome the challenges of this day and age, confront the challenges of time to come in view of the fact that challenges are just call to confrontation. We must do valuable things to live beyond the depth of the wild blue yonder.

Tip #7

As a leader; you do not drive to the dogs or play the devil with anything or anyone you meet in this life. The system you get better in this day and age will do you a world of good in time to come and lives you give a new meaning in this day and age, will fix things together for your kith and kin if not you in time to come.

Tip #8

A leader who locate eternally assigned destiny with effectiveness is a leader who empower people. His metier makes a mark that cannot be mark down and his legacy put into writing his memoir for men and women to memorialize all their born days. Great leaders do not kick up their heels, they do not meet their end in view of the fact that they get the drift and hang of the principles of leadership.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson.

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation. He is a Best-Selling Author of The Sagacity of Sage.

Get your own copy at

Article Source:

Saturday, 22 May 2010

The Sagacity of Sage



Anyaele Sam Chiyson, Basic PLUS Author


According to John Hancook – “The more people who own little business of their own, the safer our country will be, and the better off its cities and towns; for the people who have a stake in their country and their community are its best citizens.”

The unvarnished truth is you do not depend on your country to make you rich. If you want to be rich, you must be in business for yourself.

Being in business is not about luck; it is about applying good, proven principles to whatever you do – principles that have been around for many years. You must do the basics well! You must have a business, it is the most effective way if you do your homework and pick the right business.

A well-run business can generate unbelievable profits and will outperform any other means of gaining wealth.

You must be in business for yourself – you must have act of giving up substance/goods to another for valuable consideration which may be money, dealing in articles for sale or offering quality services on a regular basis and set of cognitive skills applied in the business sphere of activity.

Run a successful ownership of an entity that produces passive income - income that accrues to you when you put ideas, money and people to work without being directly involved.

Thus, even while you sleep, the money keeps flowing; and if you are not making money while you sleep, you may never become very rich. Passive income is the golden key that opens the door to wealth and financial stability. Profits from businesses owned by you, but not run by you produces passive income for you which pave the way to a future of wealth and success.

Build a solid foundation for a business in order to build a great investment for your future. Buy your own business and own your business. You do not get rich working for someone else. Limit your income potential no more! Your business is a vehicle you use to make money; be able to walk away from your business and let it still earn for you.

If you study the most successful people and companies, they have simply done this better than anyone else and made very large amount of money in the process. You can be a success! You can create your success as a great business entrepreneur.

You can actually set up your own business, and take the first step towards breaking the yoke of eternal financial struggle that is the result of working for somebody else, all your life.When you set up a business run by yourself, you have only become self-employed. You do not truly own a business yet. You only become a true investor and business owner when you do not have to be part of the business you set up, for it to survive.

Owning a profitable business or businesses not run by you is a source of real wealth. Since you do not run the business yourself, you are free to engage in other productive ventures, and can afford to spend quality time with family and friends. Even when you go away for months or years, your business does not suffer; rather it grows stronger under a competent management team. When you set up a business that is successfully managed by others, you have effectively combined the people at work and the money at work methods of wealth creation. That is a sure route to great fortunes.

You have what it takes to establish the foundation for your success and wealth in business. You have enough on the ball to start rolling in the money; own an entity that produces a passive income for you. You can have the best of income classes and be in the money. Build a solid foundation for your business, start with the burning desire to make wealth.

Determine and choose your niche based on your very strong desires. Have an unambiguous purpose for your businesses. Establish a network for assisting your business and for marketing to grow your business exponentially.
Build a relationship with your network that will build trust and establish you as an expert in your niche and produce more sales.

Know and provide the people in your niche the products and services they want, publicize your business to build your set of connections, useful product and service delivery to your customers, multiply your creativity and productivity by expanding your business to raise cash flow, increase your substance of ventures and enfranchise your way to great wealth.

Your business is your favorable occasion for favorable influence; it is part of your way of life. When you want to set up a business, do not set your mind on the profit first and foremost, because the purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. By giving them what they want; they give you the money and you have your profit which is a cost of doing business.

Do all you can to know and understand what needs people in your area have because it is people’s needs that motivate them to buy, and give you money. There is something people around you need which you can provide and they will pay you for it.

Find a better way to help satisfy people’s needs – you can make money by adding value to someone’s live, you can educate those around you and make more money or even offer them products and services that will enable you create successful businesses and employ others to contribute to the purpose of creating and keeping customers.

It is in your best interest to know that the customer is always right. We are living in a customer-centered market economy where you must please your customers, faster, better and cheaper than the competition. Have good strategy in your business that enable everyone working with/for you treat and satisfy your customers. Always offer quality services and products to your customers so that you can make so much profits and have the cost of being ahead of the game in the time to come.

In the system that drives the progress of humanity, you must drive your business. We are living in Information/Knowledge Worker Age where your competitors are no longer who you thought they were.

You must have purpose and direction to trade in this Information, Telecommunication and Globalization era or be left out of the super-rich age of super excellent billionaires. Business has gone beyond retailing at the traditional marketplace; Internet is the way to go, do not be comfortable with just existing, there is a higher life.

You must at least have a business website. You must be innovative, put the wisdom to work and be wealth by pulling traffic to yourself in this day and age, and time to come so that people can always part their money in exchange for products and services. With a business website, you can pull a hugely different number of customers and profits, and even make so much money while you sleep.

You can dominate the market with your business by reinforcing your brand with a website to sell more of your products; increase your visibility and give yourself the winning edge in the economic activities of nations. Have specialized knowledge to perform a specific function and be excellent at satisfying a clearly defined need of the customer.It must be clear what your product is uniquely suited to do and for whom the product is designed. Companies fail when they are no longer specialize and do not serve a sufficient number of customers in a cost-effective way. Be well-organized! Carefully and continually defining and redefining your specific customer is absolutely essential for the success of your business.

Your product and service must have a competitive advantage or an area of excellence that enables it to stand out from its competitors in same way if it is to succeed in a competitive marketplace. Your product or service must be unique , better, or even outstanding in some way if you are going to sell it in sufficient quantities to be successful. The determination of a unique selling proposition is the starting point of all successful adverting and sales. To make your mark in the business world, your products and services must have a distinct advantage, something that makes it superior to competing products and services.

The determination of your competitive advantage for your products or services is perhaps the most important single marketing and selling decision your business makes.
Your business must target specific customer groups or markets segments if they are to achieve significant sales. In this day and age, the most successful businesses are those that have been able to identify specific segments of the marketplace for which they design individualized products and services to fill the bill of customers’ special needs and tastes. Sell your products to those who know the value so that it will be valuable to them; do not waste your time in business, sell to those that can most benefit immediately from the unique product or service features you offer in your area of specialization and at the same time, take yourself the good life and be comfortably situated.

The more accurate you are about the customer you are trying to create and keep, the more focused your marketing efforts will be and the more likely it is that they will be successful and you will get richer.

The best high-profit strategy is to dominate a specific market niche with the best product available for those customers in that niche. Make your business profitable! Give more attention on high-profit market segments with high-profit products and services that gives the highest return on sales, return on investment, and return on equity. Increase the return on equity of your business and be an equitable owner, raise equity capital, and increase your equity position. Let your equity run be good enough to give you better equity multiplier that increases your equity claim – plan very well and save yourself some time on manner of performance so that you can stay on top of things and on top of the world.
The market pays excellent returns and rewards for excellent performance, excellent products, and excellent services. Customers want the very most for the very least. They prefer higher quality over lower quality because higher quality promises greater satisfaction and fewer problems after purchasing. You can offer products and services with high quality ratings and charge more, and earn more per sale.

A commitment to product and service excellence is the safest and most predictable strategy for achieving business success. Your business is all you need to bring all you ever thought to a happy issue in this life. The market pays average rewards for average performance and below-average rewards for below-average performance. The market place will always reward you when you serve it with the goods and services it wants at prices it is willing to pay. Be excellent at doing the most important! Do things better and faster, and develop an estimation in which you are generally held for excellence in your business.

Let your product or services be ideally suited to the existing market and to what people want, need, and are willing to pay for. You must have worldwide focus on marketing, sales, and revenue generation. Focus on customer and on selling more of your most profitable products to ever-larger numbers of customers through the Internet.Have efficient internal systems of book-keeping, accounting, inventory management, and cost control.You must have a clear sense of direction and a high level of synergy and teamwork to have prestigious personality, impressive investment, and satisfy prospective customers.

You are in Charge! Have efficient technology, clear communication, information processes, effective feedback and precise delivery through the systems. Build authentic relationships, strong teams, blatant optimism, zest for life, warmth and care through people. Encourage embracing diversity, creative thinking, celebrating individuality, business insight, future focus and value imagination through rigorous innovation. Drive inspiring vision, empowering people, mentioning and guiding, true commitment, enabling growth and integrity through loyal leadership.

Have a continuous training and upgrading of skills at all levels of your business so that you can achieve a meaningful competitive advantage and long-term business success.
Enjoy your business! Form a clear picture of where you would like your businesses to be in the future. From the current reality, be grounded in the reality of the marketplace and expand the reality through your exist strategy. No matter, the size of your business, move from efficiency to greatness; there is greatness in you.

Supply what the market wants and get your maximum share of the market’s potential. Provide products and services that will be accepted within your market, be flexible to move with the market, broaden your customer base, realize greater revenue from existing customers and stay consistent with your market.

See your business grow to the finest and greatest height of success and wealth! Make your business more profitable and achieve the success and wealth of your business. Create profit from value, let your operations be the support platform of your business – drive your business with what lies clearly at hand. Do not sell your products or offer services at credit – function for profit and cash, increase your revenue by pricing for profitability.

Have effective cash management – turning all your current assets into cash as rapidly as possible and minimizing or eliminating fixed asset buildup.

Being successful in business and rolling in money is a life worth-living. It is a state of good fortune and especially of financial success. Life is ease, the good life is your birthright; you can afford bed of roses. You can have enough and to spare! You live a higher life of purpose, power and plenty; Be flushed with success and flush with money.

Tomorrow will be too late to be in business; the world is a stage! Set your stage today on the stage of success and wealth.Get wise to your ability to exert effort for a purpose, special ability in business and have something that yields a steady, predictable cash flow.

You must gain priceless insight into what people really need and want. You must develop your inspiration, determination,enthusiasm,ability and skills to understand every aspect of your business operation and be a shinning example of entrepreneurship; build a business empire and contribute to the development of our nation.

Copyright ©Anyaele Sam chiyson.
Anyaele Sam Chiyson

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Saturday, 1 May 2010

Let Me Tell You Why You Must Become The Richest And Strongest Man In The World

Every experiences you had were necessary to enable you see and see through the responsibility in maturity, every trials you passed through were very necessary to blaze new trials to get in touch with your purpose and bring your goals to happy issues which brings its own reward and fulfillment.

This achievement feeling calls into being the consuetude and habitude of living your life in your own way and solidifies your self-assurance, uniqueness and trustful belief to go on to higher dreams.

Bringing batch and bundle of success to happy issues will not only build the quality of your mind to the greater, the way you feel about yourself, how you set your brain to work anent yourself apropos a recognition of the potentials that exists within you but will also make you optimistic and actually calls into being consuetude and habitude of success in all area of your life; do not give up in life, hold your head up in this life.

Developing habitude of success and wealth that is marked by consuetude of success principles and attitude of wealth secrets starts with the ability, strength and capacity to exercise power or authority over one`s process of execution in order to achieve an intention, instinctive drive and strong feeling about rolling in money with flying colors.

Your strength of mind to attract your abundance of possessions by being at the center of specific success information, wealth thoughts and acquired proficiency before all else at living a happy, healthy and totally-fulfilled life is becoming a center of attraction who is flushed with success and flush with money.It is in your best interest to become The Richest and Strongest Man In The world.

Copyright,Anyaele Sam Chiyson

Article Source:

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

Rules Of Relationship For The Rich

Relationship is not about – abusing the divinity that is at work in humanity, immoralities and scurrilities, living in fata morgana and ignis fatus, having cacophonous and contumelious mindset, supercilious and treacheous mission, ravishment and abortion, besmirch and grinch, betrayals and trials, odium and opprobrium, brusque and manque, having spots before one`s eyes, being in the rough or in the ball park, putting on airs or swearing at one another, playing ducks and drakes of resources, having a squabble over state of affairs, tongue wagging or making one bleed white, minatory machismo,drab monotomy of habit towards filling the bill of solitariness, amaroidal and austere intolerant of making valiant attempt for superiority, parting of ways and contravetion of right-minidednesss, scrupulous, gogliness or damaging feeling of friendship and fellowship with god almighty.

By: Anyaele Sam Chiyson

It is not about debaunchery, treachery, trickery, dodgery, forgery,skullggery, ignominy, infamy, insolency, obloquy and unpleasantry. A maaried man or a buck who is caught flagrante delicto with a woman or a easy virtue under the rose or in a hush-hush act at street of fallen women is a man dead to rights!

A man without exclusive rights is a man without imaginative and prerogative ability to give an imperative command and have distinctive excellence in effecting superlative changes that shows he is the spiritual leader of his home.

Better is a richman who takes all that had been given to him in the realm of the spirit to work out his marriage relationship than a man whose better-half withdrew just-regard she had for his position as the spiritual head of their home and withheld the respect she had for him which she showed in form of tender passion, having no reservations and being filled with gratitude.

You can live a happy, healthy and totally fulfilled life! Play by different set of rules and be rich.

About the Author

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one!

His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!
And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

Leave A Legacy!

Our continent is the way she is because most of us have refused to leave good legacy, our country is the way she is in view of the fact that most of us do not set our cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, cerebellum, pons varolii and medulla oblongata to work apropos the right things we will do for our country.

The unvarnished truth is our country is not owning us at all, we are owing our country all-in-all and we have the responsibility in maturity to get our country better and richer, we are the people to do the works, we have the authority! If every man on the street of our oppidan, inner city, municipality, burghal, town and metropolitan regions will see the perfection in authority; everyone of us will give freedom to those in thralldom, add excellence to our exclusive rights to influence, position ourselves rightly for greater ability to attain Distinction, have Distinctive excellence to get our country better and richer and not making off with the little she has.

Let us add value to our country, let us leave comprehensive and impressive legacy for the Next generation in view of the fact that it is more than a match for to be a gift to our generation than a cat man to our country or continent.

It is your time to take a turn in the system that drives the progress of humanity in view of the fact that it is your set time to be an epitome of integrity, an ideal paragon to have in hand touchstone for quality and enjoy the excellencies of better and higher life you have been called into to have at your fingertips potent asset, make known this asset along side your natural resources and abilities to comfortably deal with strained situations, turn them into comfortable situations and leave a lasting legacy.

You can, for sure you can! You have optimacy and fervency for urgency to leave legacy; your leniency, potency and supremacy is too much for the Excellency of the aristocracy.

Be wont in holding on for real, being genuine and honest to God outdoors feelings of perturbation, aspersion, mortification, consternation or trepidation to understand that all you ever need is all-ready given to you.

Live for the purpose and leave legacy that drives the progress of humanity.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

This article was culled from Anyaele Sam Chiyson`s Soon-To-Be-released Book : Champion of Centuries

About the Author:
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one!
His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!
And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

Engineering Is Future-Thinking!

Each time I think about time to come, I think about Engineering! The Internet Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering, Microelectronics Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Telecommunication engineering, Networking Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum/Gas Engineering, Thermofluid Engineering, pharmaceutical Engineering, Bioengineering, Medical engineering, Civil engineering, Earth/Environmental Engineering, Minerals Engineering, Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Law and Diplomacy, Jurisprudence and International Law, international Politics and security studies, commercial and Industrial law of Engineering, Transnational Social issues and Social Engineering, Strategic Leadership and management, Financial Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, Industrial Engineering, reliability Engineering, Knowledge Engineering, Construction Engineering, Quality Engineering and even Creativity Engineering to translate strategy into real achievement.

You must be creative and constructive to engineer quality changes that is making up for lost time at breath-taking and revitalizing pace to shape the past and create time to come in this day and age or be left out of high-tech cream of the crop that is leading procession of novelty in this rapidly changing system that drives the progress of humanity.

Creativity is not an extraordinary act but your ability to connect your potentiality and reality! Acquaintance with facts is potent asset in maximizing your potential and every potential is within the realm of possibility.

Think Future! Engineer quality changes and lead the way in view of the fact that in a time of building the foundation of new technologies, it is only professionals who can put two and two together to hit upon solutions that will create innovations.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

This Article was culled from Anyaele Sam Chiyson`s Soon-To-Be-Released Book: Champion of The Centuries

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

Keep Counting And Make Your Life Count!

You are a rare breed! One with divine ability to call-into-being success, prosperity, beauty, excellence, abundance and ebullience, you can set at large the champion within you and crown your life with glory. I could do with you to see through that you are the most important living person in this century and you have being commissioned to carry to successful completion your purpose for being and release your full-scale potential.

You can do the works, you can turn arsy-varsy circumstances into comfortable circumstances, you can organize and systemize topsy-turvy situations to bring to an end the dipsy-doodle, cock-a-doodle-doo and hanky-panky related situations that run against the tide, you can give lives a neoteric meaning, make lives better and make the whole world a better place; if you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.

All you need and will ever need in its entirety is inside you; if you can live and look inside you, you will get wise to the fact that you have what it takes to bring all-in-all to happy issue! You can make it; believe in yourself.

You can be elegant and exact in living your dreams like a lapis lazuli in lapidary style. You can live your dreams in such a way it will be chef d’oeuvre, magnum opus, tour de force, object d’art, piece de resistance and masterpiece of onyx that will fill the bill of ornaments which people can acquire to adorn the raving beauty of their dreams and be shining examples.

Let the be-all and end-all of ranks-and-files, various person of mark in your province see through your creativity, ingenuity and originality.

Never in all your born days give up, in all instances keep your head up and your chest up. You can not afford to give-up, you have come too far to give-up, you must fulfill your dreams and aspirations, you must feel alive and live in view of the fact that many are looking up to you to live.

It does not matter the call to confrontations, see them as a spring board that is taking you to a higher destination where you live your live in your own apropos your God’s given destiny.

Many successful journeys to the higher life started this way! There are raw gold and unpolished diamond inside you which you must purify, refine and polish to make the next generation precious, beautiful and push them forward and upward to make the success journey a continuous accomplishment; you must make your count! Let your life count.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

This article was culled from Anyaele Sam Chiyson`s Soon-To-Be-released Book: Champion of The Centuries

About the Author:
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!
And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.
Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

21 Uncontestable Advice Richmen Give To Their Sons

Advice 1
A man in a mission who lack self-confidence is a man out of control in a mission; do not mooch or mope on the lane of riches but be a magnet in view of the fact that masters dominates the massy sphere of affluence and influence – A man who have a flight of destiny to catch, ditch the bitch on his way to affluence and excellence.

Advise 2
As private practice comes before public performance so do private accomplishments give rise to public accomplishments;believe in yourself – exhibit your excellence and hit the mark of excellence.

Advice 3
Your inspiration, determination, enthusiasm, ability and skills can rule the world and impact nations if you implement your ideas today.

Adive 4
As wisdom and humility leads to honour so do deference and courtesy leads to riches.

Advice 5
Those who stand in readiness get results; good business intercourse gives birth to wealth.

Advise 6
A piece of gold hammered into thin sheets is wisdom amd wealth devalued.

Advise 7
A person tipped for stardom do not settle for serfdom.

Advise 8
Like folderol are words of pleasure spoken at business time.

Advise 9
Money do not make great men but great men make money and put through a course of sprouts on it.

Advise 10
He who is corrupt by extravagancies do not put victory song in writing.

Advise 11
Have a better library! Buy and read books in leadership, self-development, business, investments, information technology, relationship, marital arts, entertainments and, autobiographies of great and wealthy people.

Advise 12
Wisdom and wealth is a sure way to the life of high-principled status and dimension that is higher-up.

Advice 13
The way captin of industry sink or swim on his palm, tongue, face and heart determines how long he will stay in the industry and be in the act that put through a course of spruots of the whole nations; an industry well-managed is a financial prosperity well-achieved.

Advice 14
The inability of a manger who had heard about operation research to make quality managerial decision in this globalization and information age is his/her inability to maximize profit, minimize cost or yield maximum production for his/her company or organization in this globalization and information age. A manager who understands how organizations and markets work is a manager who manage effectively.

Advice 15
A good managing director/chief executive officier is one who maximizes the company’s operating advantages; create business opportunities for growth potential, economic benefits and beneficial impacts that is enough for any alternative.

Advice 16
If you can have distinctive competence, brainstorming methods and processes; your product will have beneficial impact on customers; you will have growth potential and your products will have economic benefits on the economy.

Advice 17
An integrity sacrificed for a short-term profit is an integrity lost for a long-term pasquinade.

Advice 18
A man who has come of age to live free of mental distress, emotional distress, economic or financial distress is of age to aim at expensive rarities; there is comfortable circumstances in successful change – capacity for successful chage is capacity for financial success, flexibility and reliability is ability to bring productivity to a happy issue.

Advice 19
A metuselah of champagne given to an achiever is moment of achievements celebrated.

Advice 20
The best way to live life of success and great fame which will enable us leave very beautiful and impressive heritage we will be proud of to our generation and generations to come is to leave good print on the soil of our time.

Advice 21
A noteworthy man is noted as a person of note who knows how to hit the right note; the note of a person of note is worthy than banknote.

About the Author:
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

The Secrets Are No Longer Secrets - The Time To Make Your Marriage Work And Set The Stage For Your Children Is Now

The most keep clandestine,covert, furtive supression,hole-and-corner, subterfuge, hush-hush, hugger-muggery, mystical sub-rosa, undercover, concealed, eyes only or top secret is no longer a secret!

It is imperative we do not set our brain to work or hold the belief that acts done behind closed doors, under the rose or the table are on the quiet; they are forthrightly and overtly not on the qt. If we set our eyes or heart to perfect our marriage, integrity and excellence can not be left out.

Time has come when every man and woman should have quality of being complete or undivided in upholding the sacredness and worthiness of their marriage and be honest to honour themselves and parade their wares with regard to activities that gives especial worth or value.

It is in flower of the flock of every woman`s interest to live for her male partner in marriage and in cock of the walk of every man`s welfare to be active for his better-half in conjugality.

In a way that dot the i`s and cross the t`s, it is more than enough for any alternative for couples to be firm in adherence to the tender passion they are bound to by duty or promise and have constancy to allegiance to which they are bound by a pledge or duty.

Nothing just come to pass! Any man who have an eye to see his family nifty should be wise to provide food, shelter, clothing, spiritual comfort and teaching for his family.

Any gentleman who have a mind to give her other-half the exclusive rights to act on her inner imperatives, have prerogatives or distinctive excellence that is attractive and impressive in struting her imaginative and creative ability would provide security for his spouse in form of affection, conversation, honesty, financial support and family commitment.

Take all God has given to you and live with inspiration, determination, effervescence, ability and skills to make your home a serene and halycon place with meeting of minds, just-regard and act of keeping from something that causes loss and pain or corrupt and wicked practice to effect family value that gives long-lasting legacy to your young hopefuls and society at large.

About the Author:
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one!
His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!
And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

How to Be Flushed With Success and Flush With Money.

Shut the door on deficit, do away with insufficient resources and debit; it is a delinquency and decrepitude. Get rid of indebtedness in view of the fact that it is an act of making valiant attempts which are morally unacceptable. A state of owning money is an arrearage that does not allow you go through the passage to wealth. Pay your bills, pay all you owe, give a miss to nonpayment so that it will not bring you to an end but enable you gain your end at having goods, property and money in abundance.

Money is power, money talks, money makes money. Make money with potent, high-wrought emotion that compels to the motivation and exhibit your excellence. Have your financial door open for future favourable occasions. Give others a helping hand to get to the top of the ladder of success, see good in the whole bit and in the life of a man in the lane. Do things right the first time, have peaceful natural-periodic deferral of perception during which the powers of your body are restored, eat good things that are edible and exercise regularly. In all you do, have qualities that merit trust which can be relied on, and gain credibility.

Increase in investing! Let your investments involve some up-front effort with continued earnings thereafter with no more or little work involved. Be shrewd and invest more in things that brings to you a significant amount of passive income; offering the highest returns on investment. Have far-sight! Institute at all cost, have cost accounting and set up a long term nest-egg plan. Have monetary plan with what makes the smart forces of materialization build momentum and become bigger, stronger and better; offering fair returns on investment as well as gives you a returning monthly income with cost-effective cost-benefit. Deal with your money judiciously and not psychologically.

Carry out projects! Increase your favourable influence by acting quickly on favourable occasions. Do things faster and get rid of people or things that take your good time or cause you to suspend your wealth-building strategies. Accept as gospel that you can do all things; return important and moneymaking calls only, set milestones advocating a persistently firm course of action and get things done in less time than ever. Make yourself master of financial management and invest in yourself through feeding your mind with positive and life-building books on the particular area of your life you want to improve; get yourself trained to become highly effective and productive at your wealth-building.

In every case, bring into your mind how much in the money you want to be; live in agreement with your immediate, intermediate and long-range wealth-goals. Provide excellent opportunities to build your serene self-trust and provide additional support dominated by, prone to, or moved by emotion in favouring accomplishing, growing and accomplishing the vision of wealth you have for yourself by maintaining a level of just-regards regarding your alter-egos and amigos. Hold what you have in high esteem and bring your possibilities nearer to suitable standard of rolling in money as you want. Give your times and resources without discomfort, difficulty or reluctance to exhibit your excellence and show your salvo (an expression of great approval and high esteem). Connect to people who have the WORD in them and do not turn your back on the congregation of the saints. Always open the door for affirmative favour and vigor to come into your life through an attitude that let go the yore years. Spend quality time with yourself, increase your uniqueness and let life happen through you. Have and implement neoteric dimensions of cerebration that enables you make meteoric rise every day to call into being celebration that makes you a celebrity.

Budgeting, investing and debt-reduction are very important fundamentals of building wealth. Have multiple streams of income; increase business that you own or are making payments for that you are earning cash-flow from. Keep your expenses less than the cash-flow from your assets by controlling little expenses and managing risks effectively. Let investment be number one in your money series and let luxuries follow all others in question in your money series; being number one in your world of money is being out of this world in investing your money wisely. Earn enough so that you can stop working and start living.

Being a chiyson (greatman) who has a feather on the hat is being a person of note who is of great value than bank notes and a center of attraction who understands how to attract abundance and prosperity to one’s self. Come to a focus on moneymaking by seeing the present and future opportunities to realize your true wealth goals and live life your own way. Clear your mind for fresh wealth-building ideas by meditating and opening yourself to accept more overflowing supply and enjoying a growth that manifest great vitality and force of a higher life. You are the healed of God and loaded with wealth, you have good health and live life of ease. Launch yourself into recrementitious (surplus) and cornucopian (plenteous) living through your powerful positive thoughts and words. You are a superabundant success.

Cpoyright by Anyaele Sam Chiyson

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one!

His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Let Me Tell You Why You Must Become The Richest And Strongest Man In The World

Every experiences you had were necessary to enable you see and see through the responsibility in maturity, every trials you passed through were very necessary to blaze new trials to get in touch with your purpose and bring your goals to happy issues which brings its own reward and fulfillment.

This achievement feeling calls into being the consuetude and habitude of living your life in your own way and solidifies your self-assurance, uniqueness and trustful belief to go on to higher dreams.

Bringing batch and bundle of success to happy issues will not only build the quality of your mind to the greater, the way you feel about yourself, how you set your brain to work anent yourself apropos a recognition of the potentials that exists within you but will also make you optimistic and actually calls into being consuetude and habitude of success in all area of your life; do not give up in life, hold your head up in this life.

Developing habitude of success and wealth that is marked by consuetude of success principles and attitude of wealth secrets starts with the ability, strength and capacity to exercise power or authority over one`s process of execution in order to achieve an intention, instinctive drive and strong feeling about rolling in money with flying colors.

Your strength of mind to attract your abundance of possessions by being at the center of specific success information, wealth thoughts and acquired proficiency before all else at living a happy, healthy and totally-fulfilled life is becoming a center of attraction who is flushed with success and flush with money.It is in your best interest to become The Richest and Strongest Man In The world.

Copyright,Anyaele Sam Chiyson

About the Author:

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

Let Me Tell You Why You Must Become The Richest And Strongest Man In The World

Every experiences you had were necessary to enable you see and see through the responsibility in maturity, every trials you passed through were very necessary to blaze new trials to get in touch with your purpose and bring your goals to happy issues which brings its own reward and fulfillment.

This achievement feeling calls into being the consuetude and habitude of living your life in your own way and solidifies your self-assurance, uniqueness and trustful belief to go on to higher dreams.

Bringing batch and bundle of success to happy issues will not only build the quality of your mind to the greater, the way you feel about yourself, how you set your brain to work anent yourself apropos a recognition of the potentials that exists within you but will also make you optimistic and actually calls into being consuetude and habitude of success in all area of your life; do not give up in life, hold your head up in this life.

Developing habitude of success and wealth that is marked by consuetude of success principles and attitude of wealth secrets starts with the ability, strength and capacity to exercise power or authority over one`s process of execution in order to achieve an intention, instinctive drive and strong feeling about rolling in money with flying colors.

Your strength of mind to attract your abundance of possessions by being at the center of specific success information, wealth thoughts and acquired proficiency before all else at living a happy, healthy and totally-fulfilled life is becoming a center of attraction who is flushed with success and flush with money.It is in your best interest to become The Richest and Strongest Man In The world.

Copyright,Anyaele Sam Chiyson

About the Author:

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!

And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world.

It Is Time To Laugh Your Way To The Top Of Achievements!

A sophomore who quits do not write dissertations! if you can put up with every negative feelings as a call to confrontation and extirpate it, you will not just be involved in a neoteric goal but will employ your purpose and set at large the champion within you; if you do not draw your time, you will bring home the bacon and get to the noteworthy notch.

When people damn you with faint praise – do not feel damned or doomed. When alter-egos, amigos, cater-cousins or ally throw a monkey wrench into works and cut the ground from under you do not feel like one whose applecart has been upset or one whose hope has been dash, when co-workers, associates, bosom friends or nodding acquaintances talk you down do not feel down, when all around, anent or apropos you seems to be too far from nifty standards do not see yourself as one in a state of no go or omission of performance of a task.

The truth of the matter is you can not be found wanting; even if they try to make you go on the rocks, don’t go downhill! Laugh your way to a life of success, life of power, life of purpose, life of plenty and life of glory.

I have seen impossibilities become possibilities, I have experience impossibilities turn out to be possibilities; if you can believe by declaring faith-filled words, every impossibility in your life are possibilities.

You have divine abilities to effect every change you could do with! No phantom of your mind is too big or high to be bring to a happy issue; just believe: you will not just receive; you will achieve and gain your end in view of the fact that you have faith that works in all instances.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

The Article was Culled from Anyaele Sam Chiyson`s Soon-To-Be-Relased-Book: Champion Of Centuries

About the Author:
ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations – Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book – The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book – The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World’s brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world’s largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work – The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman!
And you’re just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.
Be Creative and Innovative! Rule your world and impact the world

Be Very Rich and Let Your Voice Be Heard So That You Can Make the World a Better Place By Anyaele Sam Chiyson

Time has come when we do not just develop things but develop people. Time has come when we do not just fill our minds with doing things right techniques but doing the right things with right principles. Time has come when we do not just move with speed but move in the right direction. Time has come when we do not control anyone anymore but give everyone empowerment. Time has come when we do not practice the methods for efficiency but make the principle that leads us to our purpose and personal greatness part of our lives. Time has come when we do not get occupied in the systems to be at the bottom line and get busier with transactions but take ourselves to a top line and be on the system that drives the progress of humanity with transformation.

What you transform in this day and age will in time to come be a definition of success to this generation and generation dept.

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes... what is success? To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of Children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded.

Hitting the mark and making your mark in this life is something you will hold in high esteem through all or an indefinite time. In every case, in each and every case, I set great store by what it takes to make myself master of living my dream and giving lives a new meaning.

In my physical intelligence, I think much of my astucious ability. In my mental intelligence, I rate my matchless maturity highly. In my emotional intelligence, I take delight in my effective empathy. In my spiritual intelligence, I have a high opinion of my irrefutable integrity. In the universal intelligence, I hold you in high esteem; that is why I have given you this gift because I believe in your unique calling and gift.

Arthur Ashe writes...from what we get we can make a living, what we give, however, makes a life.

A Great Man hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in my bank account nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child.

In history, words of great people like Arthur Ashe, Leonardo da Vinci. Helen Keller, Martin Luther King Jr, Thomas Edison, Francis Bacon, Abraham Lincoln, Margaret Thatcher, Mother Teresa, George Washington, John Wesley, Albert Einstein, Ludwig Van Beethoven, William Shakespeare had lead countenance to many and gave the top crème the secret that crowned them with success and be créme de la créme.

In this day and age, the very rich such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Sam Walton, Richard Branson, Roy Kroc, Henry Ford, John Johnson, Jerry Yang, Sergey Bein, Carlos Slim Helù, Lakshmi Mittal, Roman Abramovich, Amancio Ortega, karl Albrecht, Larry Page, Oleg Deripaska, Rinat Akhmetov, Micheal Dell, Oprah Winfery, Sam Chekwas and even the man I respect so much - President Barrack Obama through their own words had given all and sundry what it takes to live a life that makes a difference.

Time is like a coded system in a flowing river, you can decode it by coming by its drift and hang; men who know and apprehend the time rules this time of information, telecommunication and globalization.

You can lead revolution and transformation of this generation that is for documentation of recognition, you can write an epoch-making epistolary that will epitomize our age and ages to come, you can direct and produce award-winning movies, sing soul-lifting songs or lead movements that will ameliorate lives, end malice, malign and melee, resolve conflicts and create memorable memorandum that will give people cause to meet with directly mesmeric and meritable merriment and have peace of mind, you can implement successful business plans and packages that is taking the money world to the Next Dimension, you can come with head-turning and ineffable innovations that will transmute and modify the status of the scientific, technological or arts world in less than a only take you believing in yourself.

Believe you can fly so high as the eagle and elucidate the soupcon of susurration, buzz, fizzle, whiz and silver-lining façade of the cloud even if the earth is in a blaze, the world in a maze, the sphere in a raze and the inhabitants laze away.

In my own words, I have inspired you to aspire, to align your work with your unique calling and gifts for Heaven and the future's sakes in view of the fact that we are the pride of the primrose, the top cream of crème de la crème who must cream their dreams and beautify our world. I am the choicest of the highest stratum of the society; you are the finest of one in a billion who must take children off the streets and give education to the less-fortunate.

Do not just read the words of wisdom; put the wealth of wisdom to work! Here the world, make it more than a match for. Live happily, be sound as a dollar and make lives better for all, before all else our children and our children`s children.Be very rich and let glorious things be spoken of you - let your words inspire generations to aspire and your their world.

Copyright, Anyaele Sam Chiyson

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON, A Writer, Computer Scientist, Leadership expert, Marriage Counselor, Business Consultant; an Electrical/Electronics engineer, Info-&-Entrepreneur is the Founder/CEO of Chiysonovelty International & Head of Operations - Before40 Youth Empowerment Foundation for better Citizenship. He has created businesses and raised authors of credibility. He has authored works of wealth and wisdom including a Best-Selling Knowledge Book - The Sagacity of Sage. He is also a Motivational/Inspirational/Financial speaker; an immortal who believes in inspiring all and sundry live a healthy, happy and totally-fulfilled life. His Soon-to-be-released Book - The Richest & Strongest Man in The world is an invention that would ignite/initiate the desired changes that eluded the World's brightest and smartest minds and the key operators of the world's largest economies; it is the choicest one! His work - The Sagacity of Sage is more than a book and a must-read for every man and woman! And you're just away from getting your own sagacious copy. See links below.

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